"The Man Who Hated the Moon" by Chris Ankney
Herman left the lab for the day at 4:00, and raced home in his 2050 Geo Metro to give his mother the serum.
He ran up the steps and burst through the front door of his house to find his mother slowly walking out of the kitchen with her walker.
“Oh, Momma!” he said with joy, “get rid of that thing, will ya?”
“I can’t, honey,” she replied shakily. “I need it for my walkin’.”
Herman laughed at this and said, “Not anymore, Momma!” He showed her the liquid as a giant smile bloomed on his face.
“Oh, Hermy! You’ve finished it!”
“Yes! Yes I have. Now come. Sit and drink it.”
Mother slowly walked to the couch and sat. Herman handed her the glass container and with wide eyes he watched her put it to her lips. The cold fluid rushed out of the glass and over her wrinkled mouth. Her eyes grew as it flew over her tongue and fell down her throat. It was gone in one gulp, but after the drinking, Mother didn’t look so good. Her face was pale and she soon started to shake. Herman jumped from the couch and grabbed his head with his hands.
“Momma,” he said tentatively. “Momma, what’s wrong?” She didn’t answer, and the shaking continued. Herman ran for the phone. It wasn’t in its usual spot, and Herman began to get frantic. “Oh, why did you do it? Why? Why did you move the phone, Momma? Where is it?” Again, she didn’t answer, but just lay on the couch and shook. Herman broke down. He fell to the floor, hands covering his face, and he wept. He was so sure the serum was perfect...but now...this...he had killed his mother! That was all Herman could think about as he lay on the floor, crying and saying “Why, momma?” over and over.
“Whatcha cryin’ for?” It was his mother’s voice.